SFW Reddit Videos
SFW Reddit Videos
The artist Justin Bateman makes portraits out of pebbles, Through the medium of land art, he constructs intricate mosaics
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MaN WiTh OnE ArM iS BrOuGhT To HiS KneeS
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Artist NilsRVA painting a suburban home
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Eowyn (Cow) and Ottis (Dog) having the time of their lives
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13 subreddits
Petting the lap pup
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Filleting Aloe Vera is a thing - r/interestingasfuck by u/HellsJuggernaut
29 subreddits
Little girl can't get enough of the cosplayer
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HoRsE GeTs FoRcEd To Do FrEE UbEr RiDeS
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An Extremely Realistic 3D Painting of a Cat - r/aww by u/instrictionUnclear
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Hiding in plain sight
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Japan's Nagaoka Festival fireworks display at the Shinano River's banks
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Chocolate Ninja Throwing Stars
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Hot air balloons at sunrise in Turkey
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Great minds think alike
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It’s freakin’ adorable!
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Go for it - r/MadeMeSmile by u/jasontaken
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Tidal bore at Qiantang River in China
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Sharing is Caring
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Power washing this signboard.
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Do you come from the land down unda?
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The Office diss track
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I painted this amphibious bike I saw in Amsterdam
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Time to clean the toaster
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Who is gonna win? Any idea?
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This Frozen bubble
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You get a pat ; you get a pat , everybody gets a pat
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Me on weekends
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Hugh Jackman reacting to the final fight sequence of ‘deadpool & wolverine’
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The grandmother tried hard for win
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This glass turn all lights into heart.
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Drone footage from the 2024 Glacier View Car Launch
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Dwarf horse, strutting, prancing, moonwalking and general cuteness
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A doggo’s love for her puppers
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Baby kissing dog when he's sleeping
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HMB while I do Frisbee Finesse
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Invisible slaps
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Harvesting Honey
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To protect and get served.
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Rock stacking in an unbelievable way.
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Toy cars get into a bad crash
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Blooper gets beat up by a little girl
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The snake whisperer
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Its .....a ......... roomeowba
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Salmon fish going against the water flow
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AtHLeTe SuPerGLuEs HeRsELf tO a WaLL
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How did that do that
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Parents surprise daughter with dog she has been caring for at shelter
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Laz Díaz impales the batboy with a broken bat
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Think I’ll stay a landlubber.
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Saharan sand from Africa covering snow in Europe.
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Bosch parade in the Netherlands with floating works
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How to learn Math counting
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Ball’s Pyramid, Australia - The tallest sea stack in the world at 572 metres (1,877 ft) high
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They won't be paying them enough for this.
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Bella at 2 weeks old!
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"I take this garment off, and I beat you with it!"
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Pack of boars attacking and feeding on a leopard
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The pilot's cockpit opened during the flight.
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Pouring acrylics painting to turn artwork into a dynamic scene
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This process from photo to tiny spray-painting
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From egg to adults
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Uncountable bubbles from this Bubble Gun.
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Mission impawsible - r/Eyebleach by u/jasontaken
5 subreddits
Just minding your own business and this happens
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Beware of Pig
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A bionic arm
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Nature's Cascade: Rocks Dance Down the Mountainside
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Two handed brushing technique.
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The satisfying swirl of this Green Tree monitors tail.
12 subreddits
E-reader display under the microscope
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High five little buddy
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Saruman gets a new army
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If you are sad, watch this for 1 sec. - Frickin' Cute
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🔥 Bird making a nest
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From photo to spraypaint using hand-cut stencils
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Omg that is so cool
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Painting Amsterdam’s “Flowerbike Man” - Frickin' Interesting
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MFW I see a refugee call Bobby B bot "annoying"
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Does she need to calm down or what? (tumbling)
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BaLeRiNaS faCe MaULed By LiOn
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Wcgw Drone takeoff on a street
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What do you think?
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Wood working is real art.
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The printer-like method of this artist painting a large mural
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People say I paint like a track-feed printer; tone by tone in neat strips
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Bearded dragons are a popular species among children because of their friendly and calm nature, and the relative ease of caring for them. Generally speaking, the bearded dragon is a solitary animal.
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Dino Bubble in Bubbles Gun?
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That stick was worth the climb
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Ballon Bamboo man bettale
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Really proud of this accomplishment
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Very sassy cat thinks it's on a catwalk - Frickin' Cute
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This sounds like bullshit
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A Pineapple's skin (when freshly cut) is so heat resistant that it withstood a 1000°C Iron Ball
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Ok fine, let’s dance!
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Friendship across species
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It's Brushing Time
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Cow Best Friends
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Cow had a tough day and wants a hug
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Chickens can be great cuddlers
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