Painting Amsterdam’s “Flowerbike Man” - Frickin' Interesting video

6 Subreddits

My painting of a man and his beautiful flower-bike video

GIFs (/r/gifs): "GIFs" is officially pronounced with a hard "J"

Painting the “Flowerbike Man” of Amsterdam video

Painting Amsterdam’s “Flowerbike Man” - Frickin' Interesting video

Frickin (/r/Frickin): Better than mildly interesting and all the other mild subreddits. This subreddit is for frickin' things! You can post anything safe for work, as long as it's frickin something!

Ik maak schilderijen over fietsers in Amsterdam video

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This dude, the bike he made, and this painting of both video

I made a painting of The Flowerbike Man video

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