A subreddit for cute and cuddly pictures (/r/aww): Things that make you go AWW! -- like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on... Feel free to post original pictures and videos of cute things.
"BEWARE of DOG" video
13 Subreddits
"BEWARE of DOG" video
The Tiniest of Units!!! (/r/TinyUnits): A chilled out place for sharing videos, gifs, and images of tiny animals, insects & random objects you find pretty awesome.
u_QuinticFunc (/r/u_QuinticFunc)
funny (/r/funny): Reddit's largest humor depository
Unexpected (/r/Unexpected): This subreddit is for unexpected twists in videos and gifs.
Repost Heaven (/r/repostheaven): Reposts so good, they shalt never die.
u_EpicKoala (/r/u_EpicKoala)
Maybe Maybe Maybe video
Maybe Maybe Maybe (/r/maybemaybemaybe): For those videos that make you think maybe...
DoG oF DoOm UsEs aN AtoMIc bORf To kIlL iNnoceNT pEOPle video
People Fucking Dying (/r/PeopleFuckingDying): Videos and GIFs of people (figuratively) fucking dying.
Pretty⚠good video
pretty good (/r/pretty_good): pretty good
RAWR!11~ video
Puppy Porn (/r/PuppyPorn): Adorable Puppies!
Woof irl video
woof_irl: for the pupper in u (/r/woof_irl): for the puppy in u. | a subreddit for posting pictures of dogs that people can look at and go "oh same, dog, same."
I am one with the fence video
This is my life now (/r/thisismylifenow): This is a subreddit with gifs or pics of people and animals accepting their uncommon situations.