Go for it - r/MadeMeSmile by u/jasontaken video

8 Subreddits

Go for it - r/MadeMeSmile by u/jasontaken video

All the top reddit posts (/r/topofreddit): All the top reddit posts

Ehren Ehrengarde, Ähre! o7 video

Go for it video

Behold_MyStuff (/r/Behold_MyStuff): What makes me tick and what made me laugh or just smile today. Certified motivation and shit poster. Instead of posting in our what’s-app friend group to get us all through the day. Keeping my best of Reddits and saved posts here for everyone to enjoy. A meme a day keeps the Dr away.

Chadtopia (/r/Chadtopia): A non-satirical community and the opposite of /r/Cringetopia-like subs. There are plenty of things considered socially unacceptable or uncool, but some people are so confident in owning it that it becomes commendable. Reaching the peak of not giving a fuck and doing whatever makes them happy even as others make fun of them for it. Those are Chads, rather man or woman. We aim to celebrate those Chads and applaud them for doing what they enjoy. We should all be able to do that without judgment.

MadeMeSmile (/r/MadeMeSmile): Welcome! /r/MadeMeSmile is a place to share things that made you smile or brightened up your day. A generally uplifting subreddit.

So happy the horse didn't let the Barry bite her! video

The original and only 2westerneurope4u (/r/2westerneurope4u): Ironic ultranationalistic memes about Western European countries (Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, UK, Ireland, Denmark (incl. Greenland), Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Switzerland, Austria, Flanders & Wallonia) You will learn more about European culture here than anywhere else on Reddit.