When you feel old and just gotta say Fuck (/r/FuckImOld): When you look at kids nowadays and see their shitty music you can't help but think of how everything is old and you just gotta say Fuck, Im Old.
Senior dog meets a puppy and starts to feel like a puppy himself video
58 Subreddits
Senior dog meets a puppy and starts to feel like a puppy himself video
DraggednDrowned (/r/u_draggedndrowned): π¨π¦π³οΈπ
BotTownAlt (/r/BotTownAlt)
Melodie β¨ (/r/u_jackie4CHANsenpai): I'm mainly on the bug reddit tbh πͺ²
I'm here for the cute pettos (/r/u_Main_Independent_819)
Brπ§Ώπ§Ώke (/r/u_Pure_Brook)
mine75 (/r/mine75): stuff I like
u_dartdog1975 (/r/u_dartdog1975)
Only the best links (/r/fritothebestdoggo): A mix of awwws and laughs
Leon (/r/u_leonwolf88): Boop bop beep
Dog Pics, Dog GIFs. Simply dogs (/r/simplydogs): Dog pics, Dog Gifs, Dog videos, Dog cartoons, Dog memes, Dog comics. All dog visuals. Puppers too. Cute or not, sweet or not, completely normal or not. Simply dogs.
u_yamkoh (/r/u_yamkoh)
Channit Aww (/r/ChannitAww)
u_TheLovelySong (/r/u_TheLovelySong)
u_Gm548 (/r/u_Gm548)
@ASdrawer (/r/u_ASkillou): Drawer
u_kxcddcxk (/r/u_kxcddcxk)
u_ThePlayhouse0550 (/r/u_ThePlayhouse0550): Well hi there! I'm a bi man 45 not looking for anyone/thing in particular lol but always can use new friends
Marlies (/r/u_Marlieskajuiterr): 19
shinelorr (/r/u_sunshinelorr)
u_pensacto (/r/u_pensacto)
cute affffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff! (/r/awwaf): This subreddit is for things that are cute af!
u_VintageHomo (/r/u_VintageHomo)
u_PhoenixXMCC (/r/u_PhoenixXMCC): PM’s welcome
BooBearWelborn (/r/u_MystiqueRageWelborn): I am a science loving, horse crazy woman who's heart has been stolen; I love the arts, horror and all deh funnies. Heh heh heh
u_Applepineapple (/r/u_Applepineapple): :)
u_doublelucker (/r/u_doublelucker)
Old Doggos Meet Lil Puppers (/r/SayHenloToMyLilFren)
I like Gifs. (/r/GifsErestynLikes): Pronounced with a soft G, because it's more relaxing.
tippytaps: the cutest subreddit on the internet (/r/tippytaps): Animals doing Tippy Taps
Fact: Puppies are the Fountain of Youth video
Baby Animals (/r/babyanimals): Pictures and videos of baby animals that are awesomely cute. Please keep content to that of the animals, all other off topic posts will be removed.
Senior dog meets a puppy and starts to feel like a kid again video
u_Hambang39 (/r/u_Hambang39): Hope I can make some new friends here. I'm a little socially-awkward. Hate too much noise. Hate faking. I love music(no particular genre), I love reading books and TV show and cute things.
u_sorryimsohigh (/r/u_sorryimsohigh)
wholesome (/r/wholesome): It’s so wholesome in here :)
DogInTheCarWindow (/r/u_0rattlesnakejake0): My wife follows my reddit
Awww! (/r/Awww): A subreddit with minimal rules for stuff that makes you go *awww*! Feel free to post pics, gifs, or videos of cats, dogs, babies, or anything cute.
BeirdoMan (/r/u_BJ_Ninja_11)
Jung und jung geblieben video
r/Augenbleiche (/r/Augenbleiche): r/eyebleach auf deutsch! Die deutsche Community auf Reddit um besonders schöne, süße oder spektakuläre Bilder und Videos von Tieren zu teilen.
A bounce-off! video
ZytlibsSaved (/r/ZytlibsSaved): u/Bliitzyy's saved posts. The best of Reddit.
Hes just an old puppy at heart video
SwitchySkellyBean (/r/u_drakklynn): FtM trans, Furry trash, Memes, Artist, Gamer, Pansexual, "Single". Poly fragmented System.
Young pup bringing out the youth in senior pup video
Jacks_Cute_Critters (/r/Jacks_Cute_Critters): For cross-posting from other subreddits of any animals that make you saw "aww"
Momma and baby puppers video
The Tiniest of Units!!! (/r/TinyUnits): A chilled out place for sharing videos, gifs, and images of tiny animals, insects & random objects you find pretty awesome.
Picking up this week ago and she's still super cute and now he lives in my lap and she is the best photos of my little girl ever seen a sweetheart video
Subreddit Neural Networks (/r/SubredditNN): /r/SubredditNN (short for Subreddit Neural Networks) is a subreddit consisting entirely of text-generating recurrent neural network bots. All the networks are trained using textgenrnn, a Python library for easily training neural networks on any text, and generating witty text from it afterward.
Generation gap frens video
Animal Frens (/r/frens): Welcome to r/frens! This subreddit is about animals who are friends with other animals (For example: Ducks snuggling up with dogs, Cows playing tag with cats, etc). This is the place to share pictures, stories, videos, and gifs of animal friendships.
Dogs getting dogs. ♥οΈ video
Golden Retrievers (/r/goldenretrievers): A heartwarming subreddit celebrating the lovable and loyal breed through captivating photos and heartwarming stories. Join the community for endless adorable moments and engaging discussions.
Awww video
Gifs That Keep On Giving (/r/gifsthatkeepongiving): This is a subreddit dedicated to those GIFs that just keep on giving. Whether they are mind expanding, funny, or just plain awesome, they are welcome here.
Slammy Whammies (/r/slammywhammies): Like r/tippytaps, but bigger.
It's me when I was smol! video
Dogs getting dogs as gifts (/r/DGDAG): “Dogs Getting Dogs As Gifts” Good boys deserve boys just as good as them. Remember to adopt not shop! Dogs are real living beings not actually "gifts" :)
BiG DOggO fIGhtS liTlE dOGGo iN BrUtaL DeATh RitUAL EnDS wITh DEAdlY CEASfirE....!!?!!.,! video
People Fucking Dying (/r/PeopleFuckingDying): Videos and GIFs of people (figuratively) fucking dying.
Xpost old dog feeling like a puppy after meeting a puppy video
when animals get frens! (/r/dogs_getting_dogs): if a dog gets a puppy, it belongs here! you can also submit any animal that gets another animal!
Play bows for all ages! video
Eyebleach (/r/Eyebleach): What is Eye Bleach? The catch-all community for sharing links which are beautiful, happy, adorable or tastefully sexy. After a long day of seeing what internet anonymity can do to people, you're bound to need some eyebleach.
Even as a baby Sandor Clegane (who wrestles as 'The Hound') was able to intimidate his bigger & older brother. He needs you to post to CleganeBowl.reddit.com, to ensure Gregor does not get one good nights sleep before the big event video
CleganeBowl - 'The Work Continues' (/r/cleganebowl): CleganeBowl - Sandor vs. Gregor for max. hype.
Puppy love video
Miss Nikkie (/r/u_Nikkie_Vee)
Golden is the best!!!! video
A subreddit for cute and cuddly pictures (/r/aww): Things that make you go AWW! -- like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on... Feel free to post original pictures and videos of cute things.
Different sized puppers video
Puppy Porn (/r/PuppyPorn): Adorable Puppies!
Older dog meets a puppy and starts to feel like a kid again video
MadeMeSmile (/r/MadeMeSmile): Welcome! /r/MadeMeSmile is a place to share things that made you smile or brightened up your day. A generally uplifting subreddit.
Woof irl video
woof_irl: for the pupper in u (/r/woof_irl): for the puppy in u. | a subreddit for posting pictures of dogs that people can look at and go "oh same, dog, same."