zuzikitty_home (/r/zuzikitty_home): Ngôi nhà hạnh phúc của zuzi và kitti
Pup does a prank video
49 Subreddits
Ghéccc video
Pup does a prank video
Happy Dog Gifs (/r/HappyWoofGifs): Gifs of happy Dogs
Only the best links (/r/fritothebestdoggo): A mix of awwws and laughs
A subreddit for cute and cuddly pictures (/r/aww): Things that make you go AWW! -- like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on... Feel free to post original pictures and videos of cute things.
u_MementoMorty (/r/u_MementoMorty): I used to hoard posts I liked here on my profile back when that was a function…so not all content on this page is mine!
u_SniPP_ChiX (/r/u_SniPP_ChiX)
Animals Doing Stuff (/r/animalsdoingstuff): Post videos or pictures where animals are doing amazing stuff!
u_Blue-genie9 (/r/u_Blue-genie9)
Lycanox (/r/u_ItzPupYT): A gamer girl, YouTuber, and memer. Only will message people I know irl. 80+ apex legends wins! Level 100+ 1500+ Kills
u_beau131313 (/r/u_beau131313)
Ak Fletcher (/r/u_JerkWeed71)
u_Chief_Brody85 (/r/u_Chief_Brody85)
OkieSHENANIGANS (/r/OkieSHENANIGANS): Shenanigans and Oklahoma MMJ news
Fewerbog (/r/u_fewerbog): Love video games, pottery, eating, traveling. I love all dogs
Daniel Zaragoza (/r/u_KingLegion11)
u_Daywalker75 (/r/u_Daywalker75)
u_Mrsgrim0829 (/r/u_Mrsgrim0829)
u_Missingmyenthusiasm (/r/u_Missingmyenthusiasm)
c (/r/u_paint-buddy)
u_nikkiminahj (/r/u_nikkiminahj)
Anonymous (/r/u_angie54703)
IC Kosovo (/r/u_MarlemR)
Eyebleach (/r/Eyebleach): What is Eye Bleach? The catch-all community for sharing links which are beautiful, happy, adorable or tastefully sexy. After a long day of seeing what internet anonymity can do to people, you're bound to need some eyebleach.
u_AdoreTheAteleiaX (/r/u_AdoreTheAteleiaX)
Conscious Like Us (/r/likeus): "All censorship should be deplored. When people put their thumbs on the scale and try to say what can and can't be sent, we should fight back both through protest and through software." Reddit Cofounder Aaron Swartz (1986-2013)
u_CraftyFireGladiator (/r/u_CraftyFireGladiator): Restless soul
Unicornprincess (/r/u_RenaPena6)
Playful Pupper video
Aww, they're so stupid (/r/AnimalsBeingDerps): Pictures, gifs and videos of animals being derps
Prankster video
Stuff that makes me giggle or go ooh (/r/Gigglyooh): Content for me to save and share to a small audience
Pup does a thing video
Unexpected (/r/Unexpected): This subreddit is for unexpected twists in videos and gifs.
Why so cute 😭😭😭😍😍😍❤️ video
🍪 Cookie 🍪 (/r/u_Anuwije): 😀Crazy 🔥Awsome 💯honest 🤔wise ❤️happiest
Salvo <3 video
u_MingauMiau (/r/u_MingauMiau)
❤❤❤ video
u_candifice151 (/r/u_candifice151)
The human is home video
u_JAQM0510 (/r/u_JAQM0510)
Don’t know if this really belongs here but it’s very cute video
wholesome (/r/wholesome): It’s so wholesome in here :)
Woof_irl video
woof_irl: for the pupper in u (/r/woof_irl): for the puppy in u. | a subreddit for posting pictures of dogs that people can look at and go "oh same, dog, same."
Ima get chu video
u_evam1985 (/r/u_evam1985)
u_Razo79 (/r/u_Razo79)
u_smoussie (/r/u_smoussie)
woofe woofe whats for lumch haha (/r/rarepuppers): This is a subreddit devoted to cute little animols such as puppers, cates and turtols, and all sorts of other cute animols :)
Waiting to sneak attack video
I love this video
u_anyah7191 (/r/u_anyah7191)
Aww video
get noob (/r/u_RedditBoy1917): yes
Dog kills Chinese man video
Fake or Scripted Asian Gifs (/r/scriptedasiangifs): For appreciating those Asian gifs that are obviously fake.
Sneaky Pup! video
u_Teri-Resa (/r/u_Teri-Resa)
Little Prankster video
Gifs for the spirit (/r/wholesomegifs): Quality gifs that make the viewer feel good.
Maybe maybe maybe video
Maybe Maybe Maybe (/r/maybemaybemaybe): For those videos that make you think maybe...
HUMan IS bRUTaLLY atTAcKed By a CRoucHInG TIgER video
People Fucking Dying (/r/PeopleFuckingDying): Videos and GIFs of people (figuratively) fucking dying.