A sub for Historymemes (/r/HistoryMemes): A place for history memes.
Why you don't use water to put out a grease fire video
18 Subreddits
Why you don't use water to put out a grease fire video
u_ProVita-6 (/r/u_ProVita-6)
Guys Being Dudes (/r/GuysBeingDudes): Just guys being dudes. All things of guys being dudes, Such As : Guys doing dumb things, Guys having a brodown, Guys partying and doing more dumbthings
aesthetics13_saved (/r/aesthetics13_saved): saved posts
Mu.do (/r/u_bloooomoo): Marry man 🙂
For .gifs that provide knowledge! (/r/educationalgifs): Gifs are great at getting quick to digest info, and /r/educationalgifs strives to give you educational info in this quick to digest format. From chemical processes, to how plants work, to how machines work, /r/educationalgifs will explain many processes in the quick to see format of gifs.
u_theShadySwede (/r/u_theShadySwede)
dgrej (/r/u_dgrej)
u_thatzjdude_ (/r/u_thatzjdude_)
u_pandabox91 (/r/u_pandabox91)
u_archonanon (/r/u_archonanon)
Dumb things that we can all learn from (/r/HarshLessons): This is a sub where you post something stupid that someone did, and then the comments explain what happened, why it happened, what to do in the situation, when to get help, etc.
Interesting As Fuck (/r/interestingasfuck): For anything truly interesting as fuck
Why you shouldn't use water to put out a grease fire video
Huge explosions and other spectacular forms of combustion. (/r/Pyromania)
We made it fam video
Norge (/r/norge): En norsk subreddit
Why you shouldn't put water on a grease fire video
Damn, that's interesting! (/r/Damnthatsinteresting): For the most interesting things on the internet
Rookies video
Reddit Fire Department (/r/Firefighting): A community for those serving their community. Home to all things fire and rescue.
Pretty much how all my sims die video
Sims4 (/r/Sims4): The unofficial subreddit for all things Sims 4!