There was an attempt.. (/r/therewasanattempt): Where all the attempts happen
That girl in the crowd wants to join us video
5 Subreddits
To get into the boat video
HMC those guys in the boat are cute video
Hey, bitch! Hold my cosmo! (/r/holdmycosmo): for socials. We will explain at tonight 8PM EST.
Gotta love Dutch King's Day video
Things that make you go YES YES, but end badly #FreeHongKong (/r/yesyesyesno): Things that make you go YES YES, but end badly
Maybe Maybe Maybe video
Maybe Maybe Maybe (/r/maybemaybemaybe): For those videos that make you think maybe...
That girl in the crowd wants to join us video
Maybe Maybe Maybe (Original) (/r/maybemaybeoriginal): Tired of knowing how a GIF will end? (Original Flavor)