Mvpcats (/r/Mvpcats): The best cats and other cute animals
Cat wearing an Angler Fish costume video
10 Subreddits
Cat video
Cats Standing Up (/r/CatsStandingUp): A world-renowned hub for all things cat (standing up).
Caught him with his antenna video
Cats Are Aliens (/r/catsarealiens): Post pictures of your cats acting like aliens/proof of them being aliens
Meow_irl video
for the kitty in u (/r/MEOW_IRL): Post "felines of the soul", images of funny, relatable cats.
Cat wearing an anglerfish costume video
Eyebleach (/r/Eyebleach): What is Eye Bleach? The catch-all community for sharing links which are beautiful, happy, adorable or tastefully sexy. After a long day of seeing what internet anonymity can do to people, you're bound to need some eyebleach.
Cat Pictures (/r/catpictures): Pictures of cats!
Hey! Get this thing off me video
Animals with floppy ears (/r/FloppyEars): Gifs and images of animals with floppy ears
Antenna Meow video
Meows! (/r/meows): A collection of the finest meows on the internet. Meow Meow.
What sorcery is this? video
MadeMeSmile (/r/MadeMeSmile): Welcome! /r/MadeMeSmile is a place to share things that made you smile or brightened up your day. A generally uplifting subreddit.
Cat wearing an Angler Fish costume video
A subreddit for cute and cuddly pictures (/r/aww): Things that make you go AWW! -- like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on... Feel free to post original pictures and videos of cute things.