Little painting I made is it a hit or a miss? video

3 Subreddits

What do you think of this? video

Witches vs Patriarchy (/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy): r/WitchesVsPatriarchy is a woman-centered sub with a witchy twist, aimed at healing, supporting, and uplifting one another through humor and magic. The goal is to at once embrace, and poke fun at, the mystical aspects of femininity that have been previously demonized and/or devalued by the patriarchy. This subreddit is a Safe Space for Women, BIPOC, and anyone in the LGBTQ+ community. We are Sisters, not Cisters. If you do not consider yourself an ally, then this subreddit is not for you.

I made this cute little piece video

Gifs for the spirit (/r/wholesomegifs): Quality gifs that make the viewer feel good.

Little painting I made is it a hit or a miss? video

Something I Made (/r/somethingimade): Welcome to r/somethingimade, a community dedicated to showcasing and celebrating your DIY projects! Whether you're a seasoned crafter or a beginner, we encourage you to share your creations and inspire others to get creative. From woodworking to sewing, painting to cooking, and everything in between, we want to see what you've made. This subreddit is a supportive and inclusive space for all skill levels and interests, so don't be afraid to share your unique perspective and learn from others.