Black Magic Fuckery (/r/blackmagicfuckery): Anything that clearly has no other explanation but no good voodoo black magic fuckery.
Alternate Reality demo showing a portal into another world video
52 Subreddits
Alternate Reality demo showing a portal into another world video
Missing411Portals (/r/Missing411Portals): Here we discuss the phenomenon of Missing411Portals, the portals in the woods, on the roads, in urban areas, and elsewhere to other realms, either naturally occurring or possibly created by entities. Here we share stories of encounters with these portals and related phenomena, such as reality bubbles, electronic fog, eerie silence, distorted time, disappearing places, changing landscapes, space loops, disembodied voices/noises, and beings coming out of portals.
shoe shunnin lover (/r/u_remingtonsteelefr): i shun shoes but i love you 💜
Quatria (/r/quatria): Investigating The QUATRIA CONSPIRACY
u_Tikka2 (/r/u_Tikka2)
Earthmind (/r/Earthmind): Moved to r/DiscoverEarth
u_portiamazing (/r/u_portiamazing)
I Want It So Bad (/r/IWantItSoBad): This subreddit is dedicated to all those things you find across the web that make you say "Damn! I want it so bad!".
woahdude! psychedelic! (/r/woahdude): The best links to click while you're stoned! Psychedelic, mindfucking, mesmerizing, reality-distorting or trippy games, video, audio & images that make a sober person feel stoned, or stoned person trip harder! Come for mindfucks and self-inflicted gaslighting. Or the hypnotic or mesmerising. Vivid colors, intense patterns. Mind-blowing science and philosophy. Chill or trippy music. Surrealism, absurdism and strangeness. Reminder: This is not a "reaction subreddit".
u_rawkthehog (/r/u_rawkthehog)
u_nothingpersonalkid23 (/r/u_nothingpersonalkid23)
Capt_Crunch_3000 (/r/u_ISHOMAR): Philosophical-Author, Mind-Bender, Time-Traveller, Psycho-Analyst, Extra-Terrestrial, Beat-Maker: 3000BBY
The best place on the internet for cool and nerdy items (/r/CoolNerd): This place is dedicated to showcasing the cool and nerdy items from BG's Cool Nerd and elsewhere on the internet.
u_GI_JaneAusten (/r/u_GI_JaneAusten) (/r/u_TheAnthonyKing)
u_flyawaymyzephyrrr (/r/u_flyawaymyzephyrrr)
Oddly Weird (/r/oddlyweird): /r/oddlyweird weird, wtf, paranormal, creepy, Unexplained Mysteries, unknown species , UFO's - paranormal, weird facts and much more. welcome to r/oddlyweird, a friendly community for people who has fellas interest into unexplained stuff. Welcome to discuss and share , weird, odd, wtf, paranormal, creepy and ghost stories or experiences and thoughts with others fellow /r/oddlyweird members.
u_meamitkumar (/r/u_meamitkumar)
bornfrompain94’ (/r/u_10hunnidnikko)
ruby mariah (/r/u_rubymariah): hnl hi 🌈
u_michaelatas (/r/u_michaelatas)
u_Paco1221 (/r/u_Paco1221)
Breanna Renee🌹 (/r/u_ChrisBrownsBody23)
Portal into another world demo video
u_sydneyatkins (/r/u_sydneyatkins)
VR портал video
Пикабу на Реддит (/r/Pikabu): Welcome to the Russian side of Reddit, comrades. This is the biggest Russian subreddit. We are not affiliated with the original Pikabu website. We've luckily managed to escape their censorship.
A portal to another world video
Interesting As Fuck (/r/interestingasfuck): For anything truly interesting as fuck
Svdsshooks video
u_Volibrens_ (/r/u_Volibrens_)
Has this been reposted yet? video
The Man in Black fled across the desert and the Gunslinger followed. (/r/TheDarkTower): Devoted to Stephen King's magnum opus and the center of his literary universe. Be sure to choose a user flair!
It's VR video
nomagicsuckery (/r/nomagicsuckery): Anything that clearly has an explanation. Typically posts from r/blackmagicfuckery
Where's the beach at tho? video
Dark Tower (/r/darktower)
What if you get lost and can't find the door back?! video
disprove that Reddit's New Look causes skin cancer (/r/shittyaskscience): We are a motherfucking profanity sub now.
We Need This at Forest video
Electric Forest (/r/ElectricForest): Stay up to date with the latest news, tips, guides, and discussion for the 2024 Electric Forest Music Festival. June 20-23 2024 #ElectricForest
An Alternate Reality demonstration showing a portal into another world video
u_clortox (/r/u_clortox)
u_kenziegeiger (/r/u_kenziegeiger)
This reminds me of something video
The Dragon Prince on Netflix (/r/TheDragonPrince): The Dragon Prince, created by Aaron Ehasz (Avatar: The Last Airbender) and Justin Richmond, tells the story of two human princes who forge an unlikely bond with the elven assassin sent to kill them, embarking on an epic quest to bring peace to their warring lands.
Traveling to other realities is fun. That's what games, reading, and tv shows are for. So this is great video
Pandalily (/r/u_gamerriku): A stressed person just wanting to vent and look at cute pictures
G-All Nether Mod by Ible video
Etho's Lab (/r/ethoslab): A place for fans of YouTube Minecraft Let's Player EthosLab!
IRL Ascendent realm video
Destiny 2 (/r/destiny2): r/destiny2 is a community hub for fans to talk about the going-ons of Destiny 2. All posts and discussion should in someway relate to the game. We are not affiliated with Bungie in any way, and are a strictly fan-run community.
Whoa! video
Portal (/r/Portal): Welcome to Aperture Laboratories.
Well looks like SGC lost something video
Stargate (/r/Stargate): All things dedicated to the 1994 Stargate movie and the MGM franchise: SG-1, Atlantis, Universe, Origins, video, RPG games and everything else.
Really interesting video
u_Alex-the-Awsome99 (/r/u_Alex-the-Awsome99)
Could something like this be made? video
Snapchat Community Lenses (/r/SnapLenses): A subreddit dedicated to sharing of Snapchat community made Snap Lenses
Entrance to the Fae video
Kingkiller Chronicle (/r/KingkillerChronicle): This subreddit is dedicated to everything related to The Kingkiller Chronicle, a fantasy trilogy by Patrick Rothfuss, telling the biography of "Kvothe", an adventurer, arcanist and musician.
Saw this and it made me think of TDOT3 video
The No.1 Subreddit for Stephen King's Avid Fans! (/r/stephenking): The largest Stephen King Fan Community on Reddit!
I'm going in to another world, See ya later losers video
See Ya Later Losers (/r/SeeYaLaterLosers): A subreddit dedicated to people and animals who KNOW how to make an exit! The more dramatic the better!
Noted video
u_MisterVogel (/r/u_MisterVogel): That wizard is just a crazy old man.
2-Liter bottle of Pepsi with the label torn off video
Misleading Thumbnails - Not always what you think (/r/misleadingthumbnails): /r/misleadingthumbnails has been closed in solidarity with the site-wide protest against Reddit's new API policy that will eliminate the ability to use third-party apps. For more information, please see
We're getting there, we're getting there video
Overlord (/r/overlord): Overlord Anime/Manga/Novel Discussion. Spoilers for Anime-Onlys.
This f’d with me video
LSD (/r/LSD): A kind, open-minded community dedicated to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide-25. NO sourcing! Please read all rules before posting!
This shit is bananas!!! video
The Joe Rogan Experience (/r/JoeRogan): A portal to discuss Joe Rogan, JRE, comedy, cars, MMA, music, food, psychedelics, mind-expanding revelations, conspiracies, insights, and fitness & health...and other cool shit.
Go video
u_opxesq (/r/u_opxesq)