Oddly Satisfying (/r/oddlysatisfying): For those little things that are inexplicably satisfying.
Transparent mechanical watch movement video
16 Subreddits
Transparent mechanical watch movement video
420PT (/r/420PT): Enquanto ele queima
u_paladinossauro (/r/u_paladinossauro)
Ideathon - Cool, fun, unexpected, creative ideas seen across Reddit, both simple or complex (/r/Ideathon): Cool, fun, unexpected, creative ideas, simple or complex. Ideas that often make people exclaim, "wow that is cool!" or "why didn't I think of that" or "we really need that"
u_Straight_Pass5561 (/r/u_Straight_Pass5561)
u_Accomplished_Big_514 (/r/u_Accomplished_Big_514)
Industrial Design (/r/IndustrialDesign): A community for Industrial Design students and professionals. Discussing projects, school advice, sketches, portfolios and career help.
u_Vegetable_Science_38 (/r/u_Vegetable_Science_38)
Black Magic Fuckery (/r/blackmagicfuckery): Anything that clearly has no other explanation but no good voodoo black magic fuckery.
😍😍😍 video
u_petizer (/r/u_petizer)
Nice! video
prolific_invention (/r/prolific_invention): A place to post new inventions; as in links, videos, and information. Anything goes really, but new ideas and technology information really helps people get a scope and handle on what already exists, and I've found that new ideas come from knowing what is already possible.
Identify - alright r/watches, what is this and where can I get one?!? video
Watches (/r/Watches): A subreddit for discussion of wrist watches and pocket watches
R video
u_Nightcheerios (/r/u_Nightcheerios)
Instantly reminded me of bayonetta video
Bayonetta (/r/Bayonetta): Anything and Everything to do with Bayonetta!
Modern hourglass I guess video
Didn't Know I Wanted That (/r/DidntKnowIWantedThat): This subreddit is the perfect place to find all products you didn't know existed, but suddenly want, right after you've seen them!
Invisible watch movement video
The place for replica watch discussion (/r/RepTime): The dedicated place for all discussions on replica watches. No selling or trading, no trusted dealers here, just discussions. Lots of info in the sidebar! Welcome!