Oddly Satisfying (/r/oddlysatisfying): For those little things that are inexplicably satisfying.
This seamless loop I made - OC video
21 Subreddits
I made this satisfying loop - OC video
I made a perfect loop - OC video
GIFs (/r/gifs): "GIFs" is officially pronounced with a hard "J"
This seamless loop I made - OC video
u_SingingTenor92 (/r/u_SingingTenor92)
u_bigorangeaj (/r/u_bigorangeaj)
u_resinatemysoul (/r/u_resinatemysoul)
u_muratm88 (/r/u_muratm88)
Abe (/r/u_skinnymika): 29 y/o, ENFP, so/sx sp blind, ennea 9w8 7w6 2w3............ BS Mechanical Engineering Major x BS Psychology Major I'm just here for memes and stuff. 😄
u_PotentialVirus8 (/r/u_PotentialVirus8)
Good Rising Posts (/r/GoodRisingTweets): Spicy new tweet material. This is an algorithmic subreddit based on my own algorithm for classifying posts of interest to me. Subreddits included fall into rough categories: 1) Left-wing stuff 2) Nerdy stuff 3) Newsy stuff 4) Big subs / Mainstream / Memes. Most new posts here are 15-60 minutes old.
Mavotryoshkado video
Recursion (/r/Recursion): A subreddit for everything recursion-y.
Loop perfeito video
Álec (/r/u_alealvex): sorvete
subreddit do cellbit (/r/cellbits): Bem vindo ao subreddit do cellbit, o fundo do poço.
I’m thinking this is at least in the spirit of the sub video
Droste Effect (/r/DrosteEffect): Images and gifs demonstrating the Droste Effect (recursive images) This is an NSFW subreddit, please include some goddamn swear words in your post titles but keep the Droste content clean http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Droste_effect
😍😍😍 video
Avocado: For You and Your Favorite Person (/r/avocado): The SFW side of ‘cados
The Infinite Avocado: Grows on the Eternal Tree of Infinite Herb and Yield video
Item Shop (/r/ItemShop): Things that look like items from RPGs and other video games. Weapons, armor, accessories, etc. Include stats! **Posts containing actual video game items will be removed.**
How is this person duplicating this avacodo and can it be done with other produce video
disprove that Reddit's New Look causes skin cancer (/r/shittyaskscience): We are a motherfucking profanity sub now.
Had to share video
Currently Tripping (/r/Currentlytripping): Are you currently tripping? You might enjoy some of these pics, gifs, videos or web-tools posted to this subreddit.
Mesmerizing avocado video
Mesmerizing Gifs (/r/mesmerizinggifs): Gifs that are trippy, hypnotizing, or otherwise mesmerizing.
This perfect loooop video
So apparently satisfying (/r/Satisfyingasfuck): That shit felt so good.
It’s so mesmerizing - L video
perfectL∞ps (/r/perfectloops): A collection of Perfectly Looped animated .gifs and html5 videos.
Pro tip: always keep the avocado seed - OC video
Unexpected (/r/Unexpected): This subreddit is for unexpected twists in videos and gifs.