u_Standard-Associate60 (/r/u_Standard-Associate60)
"Am I doing it right George??" "Just keep at it, Lenny" video
15 Subreddits
Am I doing this right? video
animals being hilarious (/r/AnimalsBeingHilarious): Welcome to /r/AnimalsBeingHilarious!
Swim.exe only halfway downloaded video
A subreddit for cute and cuddly pictures (/r/aww): Things that make you go AWW! -- like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on... Feel free to post original pictures and videos of cute things.
Animals that have 'stopped working' (/r/StoppedWorking): Pictures, Gifs, and Videos of animals (including humans and some exceptions of robots and machines) that have Stopped Working!
"Am I doing it right George??" "Just keep at it, Lenny" video
Christopher James Bailey (/r/u_cjbailey2001): My Name Is Chris
Animals reacting to magic and other trickery (/r/Animalsthatlovemagic): Have an animal surprised by a magic trick, funny reaction to a trick or some great tomfoolery?! Share it here!
Dog - Am I doing this right? video
/r/CuteNightcap: Cute pictures before you go to sleep (/r/CuteNightcap): Nightcap: Cute pictures to end the day
Vv brave doggo doin baby steps video
goldenretrievergifs (/r/goldenretrievergifs): fresh, tasty gifs of goldenboyes and goldengirles
Derpy Paddle video
Aww, they're so stupid (/r/AnimalsBeingDerps): Pictures, gifs and videos of animals being derps
I wanna play too! video
Puppy Porn (/r/PuppyPorn): Adorable Puppies!
ふぇぇ…いぬかきするよぉ… video
ふぇぇ (/r/Fuee): ひらがなしかつかっちゃいけないよぉ えっちなはなしやがぞうやどうがはだめだよぉ こわいのもやだよぉ
Tippytap stolen from /aww video
tippytaps: the cutest subreddit on the internet (/r/tippytaps): Animals doing Tippy Taps
Woof irl video
woof_irl: for the pupper in u (/r/woof_irl): for the puppy in u. | a subreddit for posting pictures of dogs that people can look at and go "oh same, dog, same."
Spoosh! Found WaterDog12 video
r/WaterGuy12 (/r/WaterGuy12): August 14th; judgement day.
Just skitz shit posted by sick cunts (/r/Yvettewozhere): It's all in the fucken title cunt