Almost done squaring off this blanket :) video

20 Subreddits

Almost done squaring off this blanket :) video

GIFs (/r/gifs): "GIFs" is officially pronounced with a hard "J"

Yarn (/r/Yarn): This subreddit is for everything yarn related! Knitting, Crochet, Weaving, Loom Knitting, Spinning, Dying, or you want to show off your yarn stash! If it involves yarn, it belongs here. We are here to encourage learning, conversations, yarn related news, suggestions, questions, and a sense of community.

For the subtle things that are, you know, mildly satisfying (/r/mildlysatisfying): [Why? Debunking Reddit Claims from /r/apolloapp ]( This is the subreddit is dedicated to posting specifically things that satisfy you in a day to day basis, specifically NSFW. The aim is to share things the little victories that you encounter every day, but they're just to mild to share with everyone. Things that are **mildly satisfying**..

Let Your Geek Flag Fly! (/r/GeekyCrochet): A place for crocheters to show off their geeky wares, and to chat about geek crafts in general.

Crochet (/r/crochet): This sub is for crocheters to share their work, discuss, swap ideas, and support each other. We like fun contributions and discussion. So, what's on your hook? For questions, please check our new sister sub, r/CrochetHelp!

Mesmerizing video

The best place on the internet for cool and nerdy items (/r/CoolNerd): This place is dedicated to showcasing the cool and nerdy items from BG's Cool Nerd and elsewhere on the internet.

More please video

Trippy stuff, Eye candy (/r/trippy): Things that remind you of your last trip. Psychedelic videos, music and images. Fractals, music visualizers, projection visuals, mandalas, 3D strange attractors and visionary art. Things you'd like to remember on your next trip.

The third hit video

DMT (/r/DMT): Welcome to /r/DMT. We’re a community connected by N,N-Dimethyltryptamine. NO SOURCING ANYTHING related to this molecule. Please read the rules before posting.

Maybe Maybe Maybe video

Maybe Maybe Maybe (/r/maybemaybemaybe): For those videos that make you think maybe...

Why wouldn’t you just wait till it was finished? video

Maybe Maybe Maybe (Original) (/r/maybemaybeoriginal): Tired of knowing how a GIF will end? (Original Flavor)

Spiral out! video

Discussion and news about the band Tool (/r/ToolBand): A place to discuss thoughts spawned by enjoying the band Tool!

Expanding Blanket video

woahdude! psychedelic! (/r/woahdude): The best links to click while you're stoned! Psychedelic, mindfucking, mesmerizing, reality-distorting or trippy games, video, audio & images that make a sober person feel stoned, or stoned person trip harder! Come for mindfucks and self-inflicted gaslighting. Or the hypnotic or mesmerising. Vivid colors, intense patterns. Mind-blowing science and philosophy. Chill or trippy music. Surrealism, absurdism and strangeness. Reminder: This is not a "reaction subreddit".

Apparently thats how squaring off this blanket looks :o video

Currently Tripping (/r/Currentlytripping): Are you currently tripping? You might enjoy some of these pics, gifs, videos or web-tools posted to this subreddit.

Beautiful blanket video

A place for Art (/r/Mandala): Post all the Mandala art you want

Not really super annoying, just wondering why not finish, then post the project video

The blanket will never be complete video

r/KillTheCameraman: The place for videos shot by horrendous cameramen. (/r/killthecameraman): Where cameramans aren't doing a good job at filming.

Mesmerizing quilting video

Oddly Satisfying (/r/oddlysatisfying): For those little things that are inexplicably satisfying.