A subreddit for cute and cuddly pictures (/r/aww): Things that make you go AWW! -- like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on... Feel free to post original pictures and videos of cute things.
"Oh shit... It was a trap, wasn't it?" video
6 Subreddits
"Yes, I fits quite nicely" video
The Purrfect fit video
Cats in Boxes; a collation of all things fluffy and boxed. (/r/catsinboxes): Because there's certainly enough gifs and images of cats in boxes. why not make a subreddit about it? Why not include rabbits or puppies as well? Hell, let's make this /r/thingsinboxes!
Pullman loaf video
Loaves of Cats (/r/Catloaf): /r/catloaf: for cats sitting in the classic bread-like loaf position.
You chubby bastard 😊 video
Cutest Subreddit Around (/r/britishshorthair): Cutest Subreddit Around
Meow irl video
for the kitty in u (/r/MEOW_IRL): Post "felines of the soul", images of funny, relatable cats.
"Oh shit... It was a trap, wasn't it?" video
funny (/r/funny): Reddit's largest humor depository