のーもら (/r/newsokunomoral): 素敵なニュースと愉快な雑談 This is a place for discussing and chatting about news and something funny in Japanese.
X-post /r/HadToHurt she thought she was jumping into water video
35 Subreddits
阪神優勝の海外の反応 video
MSSP (/r/MSsEcReTPoDcAsT): The official VIP lounge of the MSSECRETPOD
🦈バカニュー🦈 (/r/BakaNewsJP): japanese funny / idiot / stupid news,pic,gif・・・etc
Пикабу на Реддит (/r/Pikabu): Welcome to the Russian side of Reddit, comrades. This is the biggest Russian subreddit. We are not affiliated with the original Pikabu website. We've luckily managed to escape their censorship.
Darwin Award. She thought she was jumping into some water video
rustywatermelons (/r/rustywatermelons): this subreddit provides non-cringe quality shitposts
u_wetmilkysack (/r/u_wetmilkysack): they always ask me "wyd" not "what's your venmo?"
r/KillTheCameraman: The place for videos shot by horrendous cameramen. (/r/killthecameraman): Where cameramans aren't doing a good job at filming.
HadToHurt (/r/HadToHurt): Any video, gif or picture of something that looks like it had to hurt. This is a safe for work sub.
Yikesss!!! 😱😱😱 video
MxR Reddit (/r/MxRMods): Submission subreddit for the MxR Plays YouTube channel.
Splash! video
Where The Dudes At? (/r/yourmomshousepodcast): Hey Hitler! This is the place to promote your poly-bi lifestyle and post all your dental updates, dad boners, funny scream videos, and would you rathers. Or maybe you just want to glass all the cool, slick, and neat stuff your fellow mommies have to offer and enjoy some brown talk. This subreddit is for all things Tommy, Tina, and Your Mom's House. Remember to keep your jeans high and tight and always wipe down! Please do not send us a modmail about this. Thanks jeans!
HMC while I bounce in the water video
Dr. George (/r/u_geoholt3): Kryptonite smarts so stop throwing it at me!
Peachfuzz (/r/u_hughjass9191)
No splash? video
Looney Tunes Logic (/r/LooneyTunesLogic): A sub all about celebrating when LooneyTunesLogic happens in real life!
Darwin-uuszeichnig für unbünzligs Verhalte: video
Will mer wüssed que nous sommes i migliori! (/r/BUENZLI): Bünzli isch im Schwiizerdütsch e Bezeichnig für e geistig unbeweglichi, chlykariert dänkendi und uhuere gsellschaftskonformi Person. Da hets Platz fürs Bünzlitum, überschwänglichi Vaterlandsliebi und e gehörigi Portion Sälbschtironie.
Step 1: jump. Step 2: ??? Step 3: pain video
AllPainNoGain (/r/AllPainNoGain): Ended up getting injured without reaching their goal.
HMFT after I vault over this rail on to stairs video
Hold My Feeding Tube (/r/holdmyfeedingtube): A place to watch people come to the neck-breaking realization that somebody is gonna have to hold their feeding tube.
Always look before you leap video
TerminallyStupid (/r/TerminallyStupid): Someone who is terminally stupid is being dumb in a way that threatens their safety or someone else’s. Share your screenshots and pictures here!
HMBCs as I vault over this railing video
Hold My Brain Cells (/r/holdmybraincells): Welcome to “Hold My Brain Cells” (HMBCs), the subreddit where people do the stupidest shit and common sense is in short supply.
HMC while I jump in the water video
Hey, bitch! Hold my cosmo! (/r/holdmycosmo): https://www.holdmycosmo.net/ https://linkin.bio/holdmycosmo for socials. We will explain at https://www.mixcloud.com/holdmycosmo/ tonight 8PM EST.
u_captainm4rv31 (/r/u_captainm4rv31)
Wcgw if I jump from this bridge? video
u_broodjetrapzuiger (/r/u_broodjetrapzuiger)
To jump into the water video
There was an attempt.. (/r/therewasanattempt): Where all the attempts happen
Girl CoMmItS die For ViDeO video
People Fucking Dying (/r/PeopleFuckingDying): Videos and GIFs of people (figuratively) fucking dying.
Accidental Gamora video
In The Soul Stone (/r/inthesoulstone): Smile. For even in death, you have become Children of Thanos.
ThanosDidNothingWrong (/r/thanosdidnothingwrong): Perfectly balanced, as all things should be
Maybe Maybe Maybe video
Maybe Maybe Maybe (/r/maybemaybemaybe): For those videos that make you think maybe...
Dive time video
Maybe Maybe Maybe (Original) (/r/maybemaybeoriginal): Tired of knowing how a GIF will end? (Original Flavor)
yesyesyesyesno (/r/yesyesyesyesno): For when things go wrong
WCGW while jumping into the water? video
What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (/r/Whatcouldgowrong): The best place to learn what not to do.
Girl parkours into water video
When it almost goes right, but then fucks up completely (/r/AlmostParkour): HARDCORE PARKOWWW!
My water people need me! Time to dive! video
I must go; my people need me (/r/MyPeopleNeedMe): I MUST GO.
What it's like to vote for populism video
Neoliberalism Is About Worms (/r/neoliberal): Free trade, open borders, taco trucks on every corner. Please read the sidebar for more information.
Me irl video
selfies of the soul (/r/me_irl): selfies of the soul | we were private/archived in support of the blackout, but we're open due to admin threats. if you post here you're lame but you do you | more blackout info: https://redd.it/1476fkn
Look before you leap. (x/post from r/hadtohurt) video
Idiots Nearly Dying (/r/IdiotsNearlyDying): Almost dying . . . almost. No actual death, dismemberment, or gore; this sub is for close calls or things that could have gone much worse. This is a Safe For Work sub.
X-post /r/HadToHurt she thought she was jumping into water video
/r/Instantregret (/r/Instantregret): WOW. HE INSTANTLY REGRETTED THAT.