I hope you find my painting process interesting - Frickin' Interesting video

8 Subreddits

My painting of some Dutch tulips video

GIFs (/r/gifs): "GIFs" is officially pronounced with a hard "J"

Meticulous process for this painting video

ksns2 (/r/ksns2): Just a collection of funny, interesting & the occasional absurdity to lighten the mood.

A lot patience to paint these dutch tulips video

I painted some tulips video

Something I Made (/r/somethingimade): Welcome to r/somethingimade, a community dedicated to showcasing and celebrating your DIY projects! Whether you're a seasoned crafter or a beginner, we encourage you to share your creations and inspire others to get creative. From woodworking to sewing, painting to cooking, and everything in between, we want to see what you've made. This subreddit is a supportive and inclusive space for all skill levels and interests, so don't be afraid to share your unique perspective and learn from others.

I’ve been told my painting process is oddly satisfying video

Oddly Satisfying (/r/oddlysatisfying): For those little things that are inexplicably satisfying.

I hope you find my painting process interesting - Frickin' Interesting video

Frickin (/r/Frickin): Better than mildly interesting and all the other mild subreddits. This subreddit is for frickin' things! You can post anything safe for work, as long as it's frickin something!

Het maken van dit schilderij was voor mij een soort inburgering video

the Netherlands (/r/thenetherlands): Welcome to the largest bilingual Reddit community for sharing anything related to the Netherlands: news, sports, humor, culture and questions. Please browse our FAQ before posting!

Process for my Tulips painting - 50x70cm video