Drone footage of a dairy farm video

12 Subreddits

Drone footage of a dairy farm video

Terrifying as Fuck (/r/TerrifyingAsFuck): A subreddit for interesting and absolutely terrifying things!

Efilism-extinctionism (/r/Efilism): EFIL is Life spelt backwards. It is a form of Antinatalism that extends to all sentient life, created by the Youtube based Philosopher Inmendham in 2011. EFILism is the belief that DNA, and the suffering of sentient consciousness, is the greatest problem in the universe.

Sad milk 🐮 video

MilkZone (/r/MilkZone): A bunch of Milk Heads really in the ZONE!

This seems fine :) video

ClimateShitposting (/r/ClimateShitposting): Not so serious, partly cynical shitposting about climate change, energy and the ecosystem implosion like r/collapse but actually having a fun time see: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClimateShitposting/comments/zgzk51/too_doomer_hap also on https://twitter.com/ShitpostClimate?s=09 https://www.instagram.com/climateshitpost/ good subs to follow on more doomerism, climate and energy: r/anticonsumption r/climatememes r/fuckcars r/collapse r/RenewableEnergy r/uninsurable r/BigEnergy r/vegancirclejerk

Drohnenaufnahmen eines Milchbauernhof (sieht nicht nach DE aus) video

gekte (/r/gekte): Schön die Memes neiladne, knusprig und frisch. Lebensmittelverschwendung Ultras. Lekker Kaffee. Der Fatima-Vorfall😳 Wir sagen nein zu Hosen, Nazis und Menners🚫 Der Kakastrum war da! FCK AFD 🇩🇪🇳🇱 Leuk om de memes te uploaden, krokant en vers. Ultras van voedselverspilling. Heerlijke koffie. we zeggen nee tegen broeken, nationaalsocialisten en herrens🚫 De Kakasturm was daar! FCK PVV